Adicional Tours

City Tour

Discover the historic city center, the exotic market and the floating houses during the high water level season.

Full Days

Allpahuayo Mishana (Hiking and wildlife)

Monkey Island ( Rescue Center)


3+ Days at a Rainforest Lodge/Camp

  • Cumaceba/Yarapa (Pufferzone Pacaya Samiria Reserve)
  • Santa Cruz Biological Station – Mazan River
  • Madre Selva Biological Station – Oroza River
  • Oran (Amazon River)



Bushmaster (Lachesis muta)


Dart frogs (Ranitomeya sp. Allobates sp. Amereega sp.)


Allpahuayo Mishana Reserve

Boulevard Iquitos (Itaya River)

San Pedro (Nanay River)

Special birding Tours (several days)

Endemics and special birds around Iquitos

(Allpahuayo Antbird, Point-tailed Palmcreeper)