Our Boat, IQ-63590-BF Wildlife Tours Peru

Achieving our dream of owning a boat for our company was a journey filled with excitement and challenges. Our relentless pursuit led me to constantly scour Facebook Marketplace for opportunities. Finally, I stumbled upon a magnificent boat that seemed tailor-made for our needs. However, little did I know that acquiring the boat was just the beginning of a series of intricate steps.

Upon delving into the legalities, I discovered that piloting the boat required a license. Undeterred, I committed to a comprehensive three-week course to obtain the necessary qualifications. With the boat still motorless, we faced the task of securing it on land. Our solution came in the form of an old trailer, which we acquired and meticulously refurbished to meet our specific requirements. Now, our prized possession rested securely on land, awaiting the next phase of its transformation.

Equipping the boat for its maiden voyage demanded attention to detail. Life vests, fire extinguishers, and an array of essential items became imperative acquisitions. Witnessing my financial struggle, friends from the USA initiated a surprise fundraiser, amassing the necessary funds in a remarkably short period. Overjoyed by their support, I opted for a Suzuki 40 HP outboard motor, breathing new life into our venture.

Refusing to settle for the boat’s original colors, I undertook a cosmetic overhaul, transforming its appearance and optimizing the interior for enhanced cargo space. While the aesthetic changes were a labor of love, regulatory hurdles stood in the way of unleashing our boat on the rivers of Iquitos.

Navigating a bureaucratic maze, I secured the myriad permissions and insurances vital for the safety of passengers, covering accidents and luggage. The cost of maintaining a boat in Iquitos proved substantial, emphasizing the dedication required to transform a dream into reality.

After more than a year of perseverance, our boat finally graced the river. Proceeding with caution, I cruised at a gentle pace, allowing the motor to adapt. The culmination of this journey occurred in December 2023 when we welcomed our first paying client on board. Over the course of our voyages, we navigated more than 400 kilometers across various rivers, marking the realization of a dream that had begun with the simple desire to own a boat for our company.